Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

Everybody had been planning on this one for a while. It was great, we went to a hotel in West Valley and as far as the kids knew, we could have driven 400 miles. They were so excited. It was stinkin' cold outside, so we were glad to have this indoor water park. The swimming was perfect. The hotel let us check in a little early. So, after enjoying some early lunch pizza, we were off to swimming. Then, we swam until about 3 when Bird and Rhett were out of gas. We all went up to the room. Birdie said she didn't want a nap, so we talked her into just sitting down for a little rest! Everybody's been there. About 30 seconds later, she was having her nap.
When Kass, Ady, and Steve went back to the pool, it was a whole different world. The hotel had turned on all the water sprayers. Water was spraying everywhere. It was great. Kass says we got ALL WET!

After dinner at Chili's, we went right back to swimming. The only down side was that nobody except Steve and I were tall enough to go on the big water slide. But, that didn't matter, by 8 or so, the kids were ready to crash. There were a few people there, but it definitely wasn't crowded.

The next morning we quickly determined the kids were all "swam out". So, we had a nice hot breakfast, left the girls brand new swimming suits in the room, and headed home.

Yes, you read it right. We're convinced some cleaning maid out there is enjoying new swimming suits for her girls or something while claiming she didn't see them. Oh well, I guess fifty bucks in swimming suits is better than $100 in gas!

Somewhere behind all the water is Ady.
We're pretty sure Birdie drank almost as much water as she swam in. I guess it was her way of taking in the whole experience.What can I say here?
When it comes to swimming, I don't think there is ever a time that Krazy isn't smiling.


  1. What a fun time. I think that is a great idea. I was just telling my friend she should come stay at my house and we can do a staycation here. It would be a lot more fun to get a hotel for a night. Your kids are so cute.

  2. What a nice little getaway. Sometimes that is just what you and the kids need. Looks like they had a blast. What a fun little water park they have there.

  3. Oh man that looks like fun. Sure wish we could have swam with you guys :) I am glad everyone had so much fun.
