Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 4 - Is it pretty?

Here's Ady's cool black eye. Actually, HOT! Here's why: After the second day or so, Ady was asking me, "Mom, is my eye pretty?" What do you guys think? Is it pretty?

Today is one week since her cool crash and her eye is looking a lot better. You can see the yellow in this photo clear down her cheek. That's starting to go away.

Ady is happy to tell you how awesome she is. It actually takes twice as long to let her read to you because after every couple of words, she will read them and then say, "I'M SO AWESOME!" Then, she'll go on about how she can read the big words, or she can read without even sounding it out.

So, who get's posts next??? Who knows. Depends on who does something crazy.


  1. Hey Amy, I saw your blog address on facebook. Ady's black eye is a real dusey. But it definitely looks pretty!

    We, too, have a blog. Check it out.

  2. That is so cute. I think she is pretty awesome myself. So now when she reads tell her I think she is awesome as well.

    You have to keep the posting fair. Take it from me. They watch. Kids!
