Adlyn Bike Crash
Ady is learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. She got the balance thing down just like that. Steve worked with her all afternoon on Sunday. I took her out yesterday to practice. She was doing it all by herself. She would even get off her bike and do a little dance to celebrate. If any of you know Ady, you can picture her doing the dance. Anyways, I turned my back to look at Everett and she was heading right towards a curb and forgot to turn and CRASHED!! My bad. It didn't look all that bad until this morning.
Poor Ady! Sorry for not paying attention. Now, she won't get back on her bike. Hopefully that won't last to long.
Yikes, that looks like it hurts. Tell her she has a cool story she can share for the rest of her life. That is awesome that she can ride a bike.